Brian Eno - In The Backroom

When Señoritas walk at night,
Habañeros on the move,
It`s music to their ears in the backroom.
If there`s money to be made,
And it`s a hundred in the shade and in the backroom,
She`s sentimental like the last
Of the foreigners running past her to the backroom.
And if things aren`t sweet in Mecca
She`ll be begging for forgiveness in the vacuum.
They`re taking pains with California,
And they`re guaranteeing boredom for the monsoon.
And apart from what was offered
There were mothers buying orphans at the auction
Youre much better off in Twos
If you`re coming to see the carnage in the backroom.
Doubled over on the table
I was concentrating harder in the backroom.
Weaving in and out of consciousness
Hiding out behind the entrance to the backroom.
It took longer than expected:
They had difficulty swallowing capsules.
We had a keener nose for trouble
Than the sniffer-dogs at H eathrow -
You`d be trousers down in no time in the backroom.
Almost nothing in the papers...
Told me it happened when they emptied out the backroom.

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